Bike Assist

Hendaerum everum volupta voluptiist, quidit ut quod mo moluptatur molorem poratio nesseritio bea dit experna turissini volo testrunt landitatur? Dolupiet, omnihitatum eum es et atis miliqui ut ut ommoluptata eossit atincium aut impore commodis dellat int volupta sim quia delia cusciis dolupta temporerspe occab ilitatur aspellaborem quodit dis volorem vellore ptatia dolupta tempos es dolupta [...]

Fabryka Rowerow

Hendaerum everum volupta voluptiist, quidit ut quod mo moluptatur molorem poratio nesseritio bea dit experna turissini volo testrunt landitatur? Dolupiet, omnihitatum eum es et atis miliqui ut ut ommoluptata eossit atincium aut impore commodis dellat int volupta sim quia delia cusciis dolupta temporerspe occab ilitatur aspellaborem quodit dis volorem vellore ptatia dolupta tempos es dolupta [...]


Bicycle store Roelofs has been a household name for 100 years, May 15 we celebrated that anniversary year together with our customers. As Roelofs we are conscious of our "roots," our family, friends and the place we come from. It is our region of Arnhem, the Veluwe and the river country. That is where our paths, routes and our [...]

2wheeler specialist

2wielerspecialist Driebergen is the specialist in the field of sportive cycling on the Utrechtse Heuvelrug. We are retailers of the brands Specialized and Orbea and we also tinker with your beloved mountain bike, road bike or gravel bike with passion and expertise. We are brothers Mark and Frank Sikking, in 2011 we founded 2wielerspecialist Driebergen. From [...]

Bike Basement

Bike Basement by Bloemendal is the sports department of Bike Totaal Bloemendal in Rijssen. This is the place where we have been presenting our passion for Mountain, Gravel and Race bikes for over 25 years. You can come to us for advice in purchasing your dream bike and related accessories and have beautiful brands such as BMC, Cervelo, Merida, [...]